Ebook BookAMG Handi-Reference World Religions Cults (AMG Handi-Reference Series)

Ebook AMG Handi-Reference World Religions Cults (AMG Handi-Reference Series)

Ebook AMG Handi-Reference World Religions Cults (AMG Handi-Reference Series)

Ebook AMG Handi-Reference World Religions  Cults (AMG Handi-Reference Series)

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Ebook AMG Handi-Reference World Religions  Cults (AMG Handi-Reference Series)

            AMG's HANDI-REFERENCE       WORLD RELIGIOUS AND CULTS is a comprehensive introduction to and analysis of all the variety of beliefs present in the world today. it analysis the Christian faith, cults, non-Christian world religions, contemporary movements, and atheistic beliefs and then highlights their dangers and compares them with the truth of Scripture.The greatest need in the world today is for the truth of the Christian gospel to be spread. However, a necessary part of that activity is to identify and expose false religion in al its forms. AMG's Handi-Reference:World Religions and Cults leaves no stone unturned in its examination of false teaching. The approach is from an evangelical Christian perspective, aiming to help bot understanding and discernment in approaching the variety of beliefs widespread in the world today.Section 1 covers twelve classical religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, Judaism, Jainism, Confucianism, Bahai, Shinto and Zoroastrianism. Extensive quotations from each group's scriptures are quoted. Handy list and tables are provider along with background articles, analysis of beliefs, and comparison with Christian beliefs.Section 2 covers the traditional major Christian cults: Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormonism. Also covered are religious practices from the New Age Movement, Hare Krishna, and Scientology to Transcendental Meditation. AMG's Handi-Reference World Religions&Cults: John Hunt ... AMG's Handi-Reference World Religions&Cults Paperback Bargain Price ... multi-volume Made Easy series. John his wife and children live in Alresford ... AMG's Handi-Reference World Religions & Cults (AMG Handi ... AMG's Handi-Reference World Religions & Cults (AMG Handi-Reference Series) [John Hunt] ... AMG's Handi-Reference World Religions & Cults (AMG Handi-Reference Series) Amgs Handi Reference World Religions And Cults Amg Handi ... Amgs Handi Reference World Religions And Cults Amg Handi Reference Series Amgs Handi Reference World Religions And Cults Amg Handi Reference Series AMG's HandiReference: World Religions & Cults: John Hunt ... AMG's Handi-Reference World Religions & Cults clearly analyzes ... examined in light of the Gospel in this volume of AMG's Handi-Reference Series. AMG's ... Amgs Handi Reference World Religions And Cults Amg Handi ... Amgs Handi Reference World Religions And Cults Amg Handi Reference ... More related with amgs handi reference world religions and cults amg handi reference series : ... AMG's Handi-Reference World Religions and Cults Cokesbury AMG's Handi-Reference World Religions and Cults. Author: Dan Penwell. John Hunt. Binding: Paperback. Publisher: AMG PUBL. ISBN 13: 9780899571133. Publication Date: 08 ...
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