[Free Ebook.b4yk] Professional Uncertainty Knowledge and Relationship in the Classroom A psychosocial perspective (Routledge Research in Education)
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The extent to which teachers should make use of theoretical and expert knowledge as opposed to tacit experiential knowledge, and how these might be combined, is a perennial issue in discussions on pedagogy. This book addresses these debates through a creative development of the concept of productive uncertainty.Using case studies focusing on teachers working with children with autism, a particularly fertile crucible for considering uncertainty, the book explores how the radical 20th century psychoanalyst Wilfred Bion's epistemological approach to uncertainty can be used to re-frame Donald Schön's concept of reflection in action, offering a new perspective on the practice of teachers and other caring professionals. Several areas of potential uncertainty are identified, including uncertainty relating to areas of practice including diagnosis, the relationship between expert knowledge and practice, the implications of autism for autonomy and agency, and uncertainties in relation to the understanding of and use of new technologies. A strong argument is made, based on both theoretical and empirical grounds, that in juggling between theoretical and tacit knowledge in the classroom there is more to be gained by staying with the struggle with uncertainty than by fleeing from it too early, into the promise of expert solutions. Consideration is also given to the relative importance of specific theoretical training for teachers, both in general and in relation to working with children with special educational needs, in the context of international and UK policy developments in this area.This book will be of key value to researchers and postgraduates in the fields of education studies, teacher thinking and research, psychoanalytically informed psychosocial studies, as well as to practitioners working in special educational needs/autism education. Integral Leadership Review ILR Table of Contents TOC The stages From the Big Bang to Integral I found simple symbolic scenes to express each level so that when we look at them we can get an immediate feel of each ... Dealing With Doubt - Gary Habermas Dealing With Doubt: by Gary R. Habermas With an Appendix by Ronald T. Habermas Originally published by Moody Press: Chicago (1990) issp.org National Surveillance of psychosocial risk ... Family background and education: China in comparative perspective. ... Manfred. (2002). The Relationship between ... Bibliography TeleMental Health Institute Welcome to the Telebehavioral Health Institutes telemental health and behavioral telehealth reference bibliography. We are pleased to provide our references to you ... Positive psychology - Wikipedia Positive psychology is the branch of psychology that uses scientific understanding and effective intervention to aid in the achievement of a positive outlook when it ... Main Psychopathy Reference List This reference list was compiled by Robert Hare for personal use. Most but not all of the articles listed on these pages discuss or evaluate the PCL-R the PCL:SV ... Bandura Self-Efficacy References - University of Kentucky Aas H. Klepp K. Laberg J. C. & Aaro L. E. (1995). Predicting adolescents' intentions to drink alcohol: Outcome expectancies and self-efficacy. Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development - ONDH Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development. Edited by Jane L. Parpart M. Patricia Connelly and V. Eudine Barriteau. Published by the International ... Reflective Practice theory methods tips and guide to ... Reflective Practice is essentially a very old and flexible concept so it might be called other things. This alternative terminology which ... Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Simply Psychology Maslow's (1943 1954) hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five tier model of human needs often depicted as hierarchical levels ...
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